TEA... something many of us cannot live without :).. That sip of hot tea/coffee is all you need to kick start your day. This lovely addiction was my biggest hurdle in going vegan. Sometimes you get so attached to it that your day feels empty and drowsy until you have a shot of your caffeine. (It is definitely more in the mind than what your body actually needs) This was my state in the beginning and now I am happy I have managed to overcome my attachment by replacing it with vegan alternatives. These days I can go without any tea/coffee most of my days. First, I tried to switch to soy milk tea.. which can taste very good if made well. But I wasn't very satisfied with my soy tea so I've been looking at other interesting options ever since. Of course Black tea is also a very good alternative. This post here is about the alternatives I have tried and they have helped me forget my 'milk' tea :).. Hope this can help those making the transition.
Here are some vegan options for your daily cuppa of tea / coffee :). I usually switch and alternate between these.
Golden Milk (Turmeric tea)
Turmeric is an awesome herb with multiple therapeutic properties. It has proven anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. I think in current time it is an important herb to be added to your diet. Make sure you source pure turmeric for consumption. It is beneficial to have this tea before going to bed. I used coconut milk to make this tea. The two flavors work well together as a hot beverage. Freshly made coconut milk is a better choice. Avoid boiling your coconut milk as it breaks very easily. Instead apply gentle heat or sometimes I warm it up by keeping my (metal)cup of coconut milk inside another filled with piping hot water.
Ingredients (for 1 cup)
1 tsp turmeric pwd
1 cup water
1/2 cup coconut milk
Spices - cinnamon,clove,pepper (1/2 inch stick, small pieces)
1 tsp sugar/jaggery (optional)
1. Keep water to boil along with the dry spices. Let them boil for 2-3 minutes to infuse the spices.
2. Add turmeric powder and continue to boil for a few minutes.
3. Lower the heat and add your coconut milk and sweetener of choice. Don't boil this concoction too much.
4. Sieve and sip. You are drinking something good for your body :).
Ginger Lime Tea
Something very simple and effective. I feel ginger spice gives a good kick in morning. Lemon is known for its benefits. A good combination for sore throat,cough and beneficial specially during seasonal allergies.
1 tsp freshly grated ginger
1 cup water
Half a small size lemon
1 tsp sugar/jaggery (optional)
1. Grate ginger. You can use a teaspoon or more depending on your taste.
2. Boil a cup of water to piping hot. Switch off the heat, add grated ginger and cover for a minute or two.
3. Sieve into a cup. Squeeze in the lemon. Add sweetener as per taste.
4. Enjoy :)
Coconut milk Coffee
Oh what would I do without a coconut. No wonder it has become so dear to me. So glad to be living in a place with abundance of coconut :).
This isn't something new as many people use coconut mylk in their coffee. But I am going to try to make it interesting and Frothy :). Again, watch your coconut milk and avoid heating it too much.You can infuse this with spices to make it more interesting. I used homemade coconut milk which was medium in creaminess.
1 tbs coffee powder
1/2 cup coconut milk
1/2 cup water
1 tbs sugar
1 tbs water
1. In your coffee cup, add the coffee powder, sugar and 1 tbs water and whip the mixture with a spoon.
2. Whip Whip Whip... :) This is going to need some arm strength and fifteen minutes of your time. Whip till mixture turns from dark color to light golden color. As you whip you are incorporating air in your mixture which makes the coffee frothy.
3. Boil your water. Lower the flame and add coconut milk and heat.
4. Pour this liquid into your cup. Stir and enjoy a Light Frothy Coffee :).
These are few ways I've been replacing my milk tea with interesting options :).. I am sure there are many varieties of tea out there... I am going to keep searching :D. Meanwhile I hope this can be useful for people looking for Vegan Tea options.
Note - How to make Coconut Milk at home - http://wellnessmama.com/2447/homemade-coconut-milk/